VitaInter logo white
Trading company specialized on pharm products

Our experience and flexibility –
your development and independence in the market.

epruvete blue

About Us

Vita-Inter is your experienced Partner and your Agent that will help to supply Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), Excipients, Raw pharmaceutical substances and other pharma and food related products from global Manufacturers to the Clients.

We will build a secure and stable supply flow between Manufacturers of raw materials and Clients that produce finished products.


Active pharmaceutical Ingredients

Packaging materials

Packaging materials


Materials for the veterinary and cosmetology


Industrial equipment for pharma industry

Laboratory equipment for pharma industry

Our experts are consistently working with Manufacturers to achieve the highest standards of material quality that we supply. We can offer tailor-made logistics solutions for our clients. We help finding the fastest and cheapest supply mode together with flexible processing of the paperwork.

Contact Us

Have questions about our products and services?

We are here to answer all of your questions


Our Contacts

Vita-Inter d.o.o

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